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Unraveling Realization

Exploring the Infinite Mystery of the I Am That I Am

October Open Zoom call!

Kuthumi ✲ Sarah ✲ Elleyah

As you've probably heard already, Kuthumi likes to play! The more, the merrier - so Sarah and I, Elléyah, will play together with him in our upcoming January - June 2024 event named simply (but not lacking of depth): Unraveling Realization - Exploring the Infinite Mystery of the I Am That I Am.

There are no requirements to join us, only a deep, unsatiated curiosity for exploring the infinite of YOU.

For those sincerely interested, Kuthumi, Sarah and myself will hold an open Zoom Call this October 2023 for any questions you might have regarding the 6 month long program.

I've inserted a few key words in here, in case you haven't noticed: curiosity and sincerity.
Disciplined curiosity, as Kuthumi likes to call it, and a willingness to be Sincere, Honest - to your self, of course.

For one cannot open up to explore the Infinite Mystery of the I Am That I Am, if they are not willing to strip down any barriers, preconceived notions, fixed belief systems and illusory perceptions that make up the Human Identity.

Kuthumi, Sarah and Elléyah will hold a safe space for you to have the courage, curiosity and sincerity to dive deep within - into widening rings of being.

This will be a private call, not recorded, only for the eyes and ears (and hearts) of those present – curiously present.

The first call will take place on Wednesday, October 18th at 11 am Texas / 6pm CET.

Zoom Link :  Click to Join

The second option call for the Australia and New Zealand people will be on Friday, October 20th at 8AM Texas / 9PM GMT+8

Zoom Link : Click to Join

For any questions, email me at

Learn more about Kuthumi and Sarah here :

You don’t have to have it all figured out to explore the infinite mystery of the I Am That I Am.

Come play with us – Kuthumi ✲ Sarah ✲ Elleyah – and you’ll see!

Want to read more about the event?