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Yesterday in the private SunLive call we had such a wonderful time. The meeting started quite mental and heavy, and it got even heavier. But this was a good thing! And a normal thing, as well.


We all have days when we spend much time in the mind. It’s so seductive, so fun, up to the point where it’s SO much that you really can’t find words anymore and it just reaches a peak. That is also a great moment, because the mind is so tired, that it’s so simple to just Let Go and Allow. Allow yourself to take a step back, way back behind the Short Wall 🧱 and allow yourself to come back to your Natural Flow. Your Simple Flow, the Natural flow of consciousness.

That safe space where you let go or control, trying to manage anything, where there’s no drama, cause there’s no need or want or desire. That place, beyond time and space, where you allow your deep & conscious breath to take you.

One breath at a time…Deep into the belly of you.

The breath of I Am Here. The breath of I Exist.

The breath of the I Am.

And you fall into the sweetness of this now moment, which is Your now moment. 

One breath at a time… finding yourself immersed into the delicious Compassion of the Breath. The sweet Compassion of your I Am.

One breath at a time… falling even deeper into the flow of your breath, which brings you into the flow of you. The Natural & Simple Flow of You. Ahh! What a gentle place to be.

Of course, there’s no need to exhaust oneself in the mind, up to the point you have no option but to let go, but we sometimes do get there. I’m most grateful for the amazing beings that show up for the SunLive, which always turns out to be an exceptionally sensual experience 

For those that want to have a taste of it, I invite you next week for the Tuesday Live call, on May 10th ! If you’re interested, let me know. For any details, I Am Here. 

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