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I know the importance of having someone alongside you on the most amazing journey ever – The Journey Back To Your Self. So I decided to Be Here and remind you of the greater perspective of this becoming.

The journey back to yourself is one paved with beauty, ease, grace and simplicity – when you Allow. It is also sprinkled with a lot of doubt, lack of trust, body aches and pain, stuck moments, anger and pain – when you’re spending too much time in your mind.

The most simple remedy? The Breath.

I know the importance of having someone alongside you on the most amazing journey ever – The Journey Back To Your Self. So I decided to Be Here and remind you of the greater perspective of this becoming.

The journey back to yourself is one paved with beauty, ease, grace and simplicity – when you Allow. It is also sprinkled with a lot of doubt, lack of trust, body aches and pain, stuck moments, anger and pain – when you’re spending too much time in your mind.

The most simple remedy? The Breath.

🪽 E l l e y a h ‘ s D r e a m 🪽

I envision a world where everyone acknowledges who they are in complete Trust.

crave for such a world – where I am inspired by each being on Earth, as they remember their creative nature and they have the courage to express, expand and experience themselves as both Human and Divine.

Bringing Your Heaven on Your Earth.

A world where you understand, on an experiential level, what Energy is and what Consciousness is, how they work and how, when they come together, you are finally able to become NEW.

As you’re constantly birthing yourself anew, you come to a moment when you stop trying to manage life, but instead you simply allow Life to flow through the NEW YOU.

Life becomes a wonder, again, just like when you were a little child, and you enjoy each breath that you take and every step that you take is always in TRUST.

To support all of this, I am hosting online and in-person-events in Bali, where I share from my own personal experience – my pathway, how I did it for myself, what it took to get where I am and I’m teaching how to listen to yourself and, more important, how to use the spoken word – your voice – to ground it all in this realm.

🌟 I AM series 🌟

When you go beyond separation, there is no longer a subject and an object divided. You are both: Humanity & Divinity together. Playing, exploring, and Rejoicing.

The I AM series ✨️ is about going beyond any separation and, thus, suffering, into All That You Are.

Every month I am releasing for free a new session from the I AM series, first to the newsletter subscribers and to the Patreon page, and then, a week later, to the public audience.

You can subscribe to my newsletter here

and to the Patreon page here: Elleyah’s Dream

Come breathe with me.

One on One sessions

holding a safe space, for you to Discover your Clarity and Wisdom.
Merlins Meeting
find Free conscious breathing sessions on my YouTube channel.

Human & Divine

I am Elleyah Rose and today I choose to shine as a Conscious Breath Facilitator.

I Am also a video editor. A painter and a singer, at times. A loving girlfriend and a great cook. In the past I used to be a dentist, a wounded child, a victim, and an abuser. Loved playing the savior role, as well. All these roles that we get to play here, on this beautiful planet, in this physical reality, each on our own stage, in our own theater, are so sensual and seem so real that we eventually get lost into the depths, flavors and colors of life, that we simply forget why we are here and who we truly are.

Having all these thoughts in your mind, ideas, wishes, hobbies, hopes, and dreams make you feel like there is always something more to achieve or to discover, always searching for something in the outside.

But the moment you stop and take a deep breath…

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YouTube Recommendations

browse through some of the free videos 

Former Free Tuesday Live sessions

Conversations, discussions and Conscious Breathing sessions with beings on their journey to Realization.

Different topics

Sessions where I address specific topics that show up in the life of every human being going through their spiritual awakening.

I AM ✨️ series

When you go beyond separation, there is no longer a subject and an object divided. You are both: Humanity & Divinity together. Playing, exploring, and Rejoicing.

The I AM series ✨️is about going beyond any separation and, thus, suffering, into All That You Are.

Advanced classes.

Is there anything more important than the breath?
Whether you are new to Meditation or becoming aware of Embodied Realization. I have been breathing with Elleyah in her Live sessions and on Patron, joining up with other people around the world, creating a wonderful space to relax and be. It’s been such a Joy, and Elleyah’s guiding words are clear and profound. Now more than ever the conscious breath is such a gift, as we move forward.

Declan Mc Carron

Dear Elleyah is a magnificent assistant. She will open up a new and fresh perspective, and all you have to do is let go the old and embrace the new! She is direct, open and lovely. She will shower you with her love and tenderness. ღ Erika Elina

Erika Elina

For a few months now I have been following Elleyah and enjoying the beautiful breathing sessions. They are a great source of inspiration for me to take ‘time’ to breathe into my body. to quiet the mind and experience the I Am awareness.
With the Patreon sessions we go even deeper which is awesome. I have had some personal sessions as well that really enabled me to release some old aspects and allow
my energies to flow so much more. It literally brought me to tears.
Elleyah has the ability to BE with you from a Source level without interference of the human, mind or ego.
Thank you master Elleyah.

Simon aka Sumara

It is wonderful to be a part of Elleyah’s breathing sessions and be a regular subscriber on her Patreon. We are a small group coming to breath together with her guidance, and it’s makes the journey really comfortable. Just to get the reminder to come back into the body and only focus on the breath on a regular basis. Also being part of this group of individuals who all are there to for full embodiment and allowing, it is a truly safe space, and it feels very personal. Elleyah’s guidance is always suitable for what I need in the moment. I recommend it.


I Am Here

Breathe Clarity into your Life