A New Beginning


The monthly session that takes place at the end of each month is a beautiful synchronicity with the time of the New Year. I know the cliché of ‘New Year, New Me’, but with this session you truly have the opportunity to choose a New Life, a New Story, a New Beginning.

This is an audio and video recording, accompanied by sweet music to facilitate your choice, because you know it’s time. We go through many deaths and many rebirths during this journey of remembering who we are, and this session is the evolution of the other monthly sessions, arriving, as such, at the potential of a New Life.

Whether it’s about stop listening to the mind so much, moving to a new place, leaving an old relationship, or simply stepping into total Trust of You, now is the time to do it!

Happy New Year, beautiful beings! ❤️



Dear friends,

The monthly session that takes place at the end of each month is a beautiful synchronicity with the time of the New Year. I know the cliché of ‘New Year, New Me’, but with this session you truly have the opportunity to choose a New Life, a New Story, a New Beginning.

This is an audio and video recording, accompanied by sweet music to facilitate your choice, because you know it’s time. We go through many deaths and many rebirths during this journey of remembering who we are, and this session is the evolution of the other monthly sessions, arriving, as such, at the potential of a New Life.

Whether it’s about stop listening to the mind so much, moving to a new place, leaving an old relationship, or simply stepping into total Trust of You, now is the time to do it!

Happy New Year, beautiful beings!

With much Joy and Honor, Lady Elleyah ❤️