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I am here to hold your hand and hold the space as you wake up into your Trust and Worthiness.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up – Paul Valery

This is what I had written on my walls as I was growing up, and it’s not about the physical waking up, it’s about you starting to remember who you are.

You’re waking up from the dream, the illusion that you’re just a small limited human and remembering your divinity, your true nature.
It’s a long process, an arduous process, not for the faint of heart, but for those that feel in all of their being that YES, it is time.

It takes shedding the ego, the human identity, over and over again, it takes letting go of everything you thought was real, and in this death, in this total destruction or de-structuring you shall find your True Self.

This is the spiritual awakening that is a natural process, it’s the natural evolution of human life on planet Earth. All humans will, eventually, go through this, into their Enlightenment or Realization.

There’s enough realized beings in Earth now that are making this planetary global awakening possible, and you are not alone, if you’re going through this.  For this, for assisting those that are in this point of waking up, I Am Here.

For those going through the dark night of the soul, I am here. For those, in their mastery and realization, needing a little bit more guidance and clarity, I am here.  For this is my true passion – to exist, to express, to expand within and without my creation, and to be in service and assistance to those who are ready.