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About Me

Hello & Welcome!

I am Elleyah Rose and today I choose to shine as a Conscious Breath Facilitator.

But the moment you stop and take a deep breath…

stop and become the observer…

stop and choose to be in the silence…

you then know deep inside that you are so much more than all that noise.

You feel the Simplicity that awaits you. The Joy without searching or needing it. The Ease and Grace of just Flowing with(in) your breath.

Ever since I have discovered the Gift of the Conscious Breath there has not been one day without taking the time to be with myself, in my own presence, in my own chaos and madness at times, in my own calmness and peace at other times.

I started facilitating myself, speaking out loud and from there went to creating breathing sessions as an expression of my Truth, both recorded and live. It is truly my passion to hold the safe space for others and assist them in Remembering Who They Truly Are.

So, I invite you, if you so feel, to come Breathe with Me on YouTube, Patreon or in Private, for a deeper experience back into You. With Joy, Lady Elleyah

My Mission & Passion

I am here to assist humans that are starting to wake up from the dream that they're just a human.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up Paul Valery

This is what I had written on my walls as I was growing up, and it’s not about the physical waking up, it’s about you starting to remember who you are.

You’re waking up from the dream, the illusion that you’re just a small limited human and remembering your divinity, your true nature.
It’s a long process, an arduous process, not for the faint of heart, but for those that feel in all of their being that YES, it is time.

It takes shedding the ego, the human identity, over and over again, it takes letting go of everything you thought was real, and in this death, in this total destruction or de-structuring you shall find your True Self.

This is the spiritual awakening that is a natural process, it’s the natural evolution of human life on planet Earth. All humans will, eventually, go through this, into their Enlightenment or Realization.

There’s enough realized beings in Earth now that are making this planetary global awakening possible, and you are not alone, if you’re going through this.  For this, for assisting those that are in this point of waking up, I Am Here.

For those going through the dark night of the soul, I am here. For those, in their mastery and realization, needing a little bit more guidance and clarity, I am here.  For this is my true passion – to exist, to express, to expand within and without my creation, and to be in service and assistance to those who are ready.

Are You Ready?

I offer a wide variety of programs and breathing sessions that you can do on your own & also private sessions

Advanced Classes

5-8 days long classes

Free sessions on YouTube

Conscious breathing sessions & discussions

One on One Sessions

Holding a Safe Space for you to tap into your Wisdom & Clarity

Patreon Calls & Sessions

Do you need a community with whom you can share your experience and not feel so alone on this journey?

Nicole Schneider

longtime Patreon

Elleyah has the ability to create a safe space for the breath work. I felt very good guided by her clear and soothing voice during this past session. She always found the right words, so that it was easy for me to dive into my essence, into my Beingness. Every time now during my breathing practice I can lighter switch into my state of Beingness and any voice in my head is getting quieter. These voices are not the real "Me" and Elleyah taught me that a bit more with telling her self experienced stories. I'm really grateful I did this session with her. (Participant in Dance & Breathe event)

Tanja Q

participant in the former Tuesday Live meetings

Elleyah creates a very lovingly and safe space to meet, to share and of course above all to be with my own breath. I love that she does what she loves and loves what she does. And how she shows herself with all her magic, authenticity and vulnerability. Being truly on a path of going into sovereignty and embodiment, this is such a gift and very rare to find: a coming together and support on eye level.