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Unveiling Worthiness

Worthy to Trust myself

𓆰 I have a dream… 𓆰

What is life? Why are you here?
If you knew it all turns out fine, how would you give yourself permission to enjoy life?

We are all searching for things that make us feel good. We are all choosing to do whatever activity we do, in order for us to feel worthy… to feel we trust life.

I have a dream… to experience myself as an expression of Trust. To express and experience myself as an expression of Worthiness. As an expression of Love. As an expression of Beauty.

I have a dream… that I am walking on Earth… and every step that I take is an expression of trust and worthiness. A celebration of life, as I am complete within myself. As I found myself. As I know who I am. As I remember who I am. And as I acknowledge – as I recognize myself – as who I am.

I am not this body or this mind or this fictitious persona I imagined myself to be. I am not a story..

I am that which animates this body, that which is aware of the mechanism of mind. I am that which is inhabiting this body and that which is having an experience of having a body and a mind… I am that.. thing.. that is aware of life, as life unfolds. I am that.. from which all life can express.

And I feel that so deep – and I long to feel that so deep – that, eventually, I am both.
I am the painting… and I am the painter… combined.
In worthiness..
In trust..
In acknowledging all this..
I am all that.. yes, I am all that, I am.

For me, this is the ultimate freedom. The ultimate sensation of freedom. The ultimate sensation of Love.
That... place out of which everything is made up of. That.. essence of life.

I am THAT. I am IT.

When I am not lost, when I am not in separation.. when I am not in forgetfulness..
I Am That. I remember. I acknowledge.

How do you remember? How do you give yourself permission to remember? How do you give yourself permission to acknowledge?

There’s so many barriers to that. Or maybe there’s just one. Worthiness.

How do you get there? By unveiling this feeling of worthiness… that has always been there.

By unveiling every sensation of love, union, completion, worthiness and trust.. that have always been there.

How would life even exist – in all its magnificence and perfection and beauty – if it didn’t actually COME FROM a place of love, union, completion, worthiness and trust?

Cant you see, dear one – you are it. You’ve always been it.

Through the worst of times, through the best of times.. you’ve always been it – and you ARE it – right NOW.
No matter what stories you might be lost in, no matter what your mind would say, no matter how much you worry – you are it. Now. Take a deep breath, and give yourself permission to feel that.
To acknowledge that. To recognize that.
Take a deep breath, let the veil dissipate.. let it become thinner and thinner..

Let it fall, altogether.


And this is exactly what we will be doing in this 8 week online program together.


Every week on a Thursday we will come together to let the veil covering your worthiness and trust fall –
8 weeks, 8 zoom calls + a one month follow up call

We will have conversations and we will end the session with a guided conscious experience accompanied with music in the background.

I am keeping each call limited to 3 to 4 people maximum, so that I can make sure you all have enough time to share, and I have enough time to guide you deep within, so we get to the core of it all.

There will be additional meditations and materials posted + homework (practicing self inquiry + personalized homework) , as we journey together during the 8 weeks.

We will have a private page where all the materials will be posted, and you will have access to the materials even after the program has ended.

Topics: apart from addressing the pillars of this program, the topics will come as we go on with the program, as we go as deep as YOU are ready & willing to go

𓆰 The pillars for all this to work :

𒀭 Willingness
𒀭 Readiness
𒀭 Honesty
𒀭 Trust
𒀭 Speaking your Truth
𒀭 Embracing your Darkness

If agreed upon by all – a private Facebook group for sharing with your peers

Those in the program will have a discounted price for private sessions224 instead of 300 €, for the entire month of October and November.

Bonus materials : the entire Embrace your Darkness series, so we can stir up everything that’s been buried deep within. Available immediately on the private page upon registration – so you can already have a head start before the program starts in October.

I want to keep the entire vibration of the class under the number 8 – which is not just a number, but a symbol for infinity.

Infinity as we will open up to ALL that is – to all Life, to all of your Energy, to all of your Consciousness


 Let it all fall… so that you can finally see, remember, acknowledge and recognize – you’ve always been IT.

                                                𓆰 come Dream with Me 𓆰

Unveiling Worthiness – acknowledging you are already your own Guru – stepping into your Grandness – these all have some common points one needs to understand.

Understanding what Energy actually is. And what Consciousness is. Having personal experiences of each. Using silence and self-inquiry (learning how to ask the right, clear questions).

Using self-inquiry – actually learning how to ask the right questions, how to listen and how to translate the answer. Learning how to get in that state of listening and actually practicing translating your answer through the Spoken Word.

This all came natural to me and perfected through daily practice, when I first started to listen to myself, as I had no other way – I felt no outside answer would fulfill and satisfy me. That was because whatever you hear from the outside, you hear it, but you don’t really experience it.

Learning how to ask the questions and then listen gets you on a whole sensual journey of Trust, Worthiness, and whatever answer comes through will actually make you feel fulfilled, happy, at peace. You can, then, use the words to translate it – or for other artists, you can use painting, music or dance to express it.

Mental and Emotional Body – M.E. Body
Funny how this can be shortened to ME Body – which suggests the personality, the identity, the separation.

How do you integrate them? How do you start enjoying having a mental and emotional body, instead of being run down by them? These are simply tools to enhance your experience as a human, they were not meant to bring turmoil and suffering.

Understanding how they work and how to deal with them is key in allowing their integration and then getting to benefit from them.
It is basically going from Ego to WEgo.

There is thinking. There is sadness. There is confusion.
I am not it.
I am that which is aware of it.
I am always well.

Willingness and Readiness
Two of the pillars of unveiling your Worthiness and becoming your own Guru.
It isn’t something you can quantify. They come at the perfect moment. They come as one gets tired and exhausted – my favorite state of being when working with people.
It is very much like Grace – when you feel within your heart it is time.. to go deeper. It is time.. to look within. It is time.. to really, truly, meet your Self. It is the true Love Story that will change everything.

So, during these 8 weeks and during the 8 calls we will be discussing and experiencing all of this- and MORE, of course – whatever will come for YOU personally, whatever and wherever your Worthiness is stuck in.

I will record materials where I talk about Energy, about Consciousness. About all the subjects.

The engagement will not be only once per week, during the call, but everyday, as you will have materials to listen to and read and also as you will PRACTICE.

Practice – this 8 weeks is all about YOU actually doing things, breaking patterns, going within, listening and not doing anything. It’s about you taking action and start using your VOICE to speak. To speak your Truth. To speak in Trust.

I will ask you to record videos of yourself, to post them. It will be all about getting out of your comfort zone. It will be uncomfortable. And you’ll learn to enjoy it.

The benefit of being assisted by someone as you go through all these shifts is that it will be easier for you. You will do it faster. You will also have the others in the calls that will make you feel you’re not really alone in this and usually whatever the others share is of great use to you, as well.

It IS all You, in the end.

For me, my greatest Joy is when is see others step into their Freedom, into their Trust. As I said, I crave to live in a world where everyone is so aware of who they are, everyone is so Worthy and Trusting themselves that they inspire me with their creations and ways of living their life.

This is why I do what I do.

Well, these were just a few main topics that came as I was feeling into this program. The other topics will unfold as we meet and discuss, as you practice, as you show up.

Registration is closed, but you can pre-register for the next session of 2025!

To register or ask any questions, send an email to or use this contact form.